Under the Pittsburgh agreement, all "standardised" OTC derivative contracts should be traded on exchanges or electronic trading platforms, where appropriate, and cleared through clearing houses, or "CCPs", by the end of 2012 at the latest. 根据匹兹堡协议,最迟在2012年年末,所有“标准化的”场外衍生品合约都应根据需要在交易所或电子交易平台上交易,并通过清算机构或中央结算对手(ccp)清算。
The exchange is planning to open its data centre and the trading hub in the last quarter of 2012 with the derivatives market coming online in the second quarter of 2013 and clearing and settlement systems by the end of 2013. 港交所计划在2012年第四季度开放其数据中心和交易中心,2013年第二季度上线衍生品市场,2013年底前推出清算与结算系统。
The group of 20 nations has agreed that standardised over-the-counter derivatives should use clearing houses by the end of 2012 in an effort to improve transparency and safety of financial instruments blamed for exacerbating the financial crisis. 20国集团(g20)已一致同意,到2012年年底时,标准场外衍生品交易应使用清算行,以求提高这些被指为加剧金融危机之罪魁祸首的金融工具的透明度和安全性。
It is business clearing accounts at the end of the period. 这是在期末结算帐户的业务。
Hong Kong Exchanges and clearing is also planning to launch clearing services by the end of 2012. 香港交易所(hongkongexchangesandclearing)也计划在2012年底前推出相关清算服务。
Benefit spleen and kidney to treatment of the fundamental, clearing away heat and damp to treat the standard real and blood circulation through to the end as the view in the treatment of proteinuria. 在治疗蛋白尿中提出补脾益肾治其本、清热利湿治其标、活血化瘀贯穿其中的观点。